A Carver's Log 031921 - Episode 2

Carvers Log 031821 - Episode 2 I decided to take you along for another day in the woods. This time I went on one of my "get lost on purpose" kind of walks. It was raining the entire time and I realized half way though I shouldn't have been wearing my headphones as the cheap microphone not only sounds awful, but when it brushes up against my jacket, it makes a lot of racket. But for you the viewer I recommend headphones anyways, so you can listen to what I'm saying, hear the rain, the birds, and some of the music I have provided. The headphone scratching sounds bugged me, but oh well, if you read my mission statement from episode one, I mentioned the whole purpose of this series was to go along with the low tech route. The less editing and fussing I have to do, the more comfortable I can be, as well as getting these out without having to stress about the details.

My words and spirit are more important than filming this in movie theatre quality. But with that said, I had a lot of fun looking for "something" as I often do on my woodsy trots. It's also a special place for me, because when I was a little kid with my brother and sister, we barely played in the yard, and always preferred wandering the woods barefoot for hours and hours until my Mom would holler for us that it's getting dark!

Walking in the forest helps me think and process my thoughts. If I don't end up with carving wood, I often come home with song ideas, answers to lingering questions that have been on my mind, and more. I visited some old haunts from my childhood so if you'd like to come along with me, I think you may like this Carver's Log. Just a woodsy ramble, and I talk about what's on my mind lately, as well as answering some questions about when I'm going to get back to teaching again. But as you know me, spontaneity is a very important part of my life, and this episode really exemplifies that. As usual the music is all written and recorded by me in my usual field recordings/lofi style, one song credited to David Crosby for riffing off of Guinevere towards the end.

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