Design & Ethos

I have been carving professionally with axe and knife for over of a decade - with many of my iconic styles, design details and techniques emerging over that time. My unique approach and techniques became instinctive and second nature, but my creative direction constantly evolves and changes. Each piece of wood has it's own characteristics, and knowing how to make the very best of these is a skill that comes with time. Over the years I have developed several design details that feature in my work which have been adopted by many other carvers around the world. These features take advantage of the strength of the grain alignment, others are personal aesthetic expressions. Some of those developed are included below.

Unique Design Features


My Fan Tail and Bird Beak or “Keel” (for grain strength) - Design form conceived circa 2013

Shell Tail Kuksa design in combination with Crown Finial in tiers


Kuksa Keel for strength - Design detail conceived during 2013

An undercut rim gives extra capacity to my Kuksa designs and helps prevent splashing.

“Scallop & Dart” - design introduced in 2013

Roughing out a Kuksa 'blank'

Roughing out a Kuksa 'blank'

Kuksa Workshop in Holland - 2016

Kuksa Workshop in Holland - 2016


Heritage Hand Crafts - Make it by hand

Elements of my approach to greenwood work and carving including -

  • Using Traditional techniques

  • Carved Unplugged- Without the aid of powertools

  • Harvest my own trees

  • No Factory Wood

  • No Industrial Sandpaper

  • No Chemicals

  • #StopThrowAwayCulture